"My hair is gross. I need a bath." [This one is recurrent. He loves baths and does not--gasp!--get one every day.]
"The goat had to die." [Explaining himself to the Mount Shasta Animal Hospital staff upon entering the building with a heart in a Ziploc. Which goat? "The sick goat."]
"Dada, STOP!!! Stop sitting on the couch! You should get up and play with me!" [He thinks he should be in charge of all activities.]
"I'm a hedgehog! Animals don't wear clothes!" [His response to my query of his preference for jeans or sweatpants that morning. This is an appeal to his book The Hat in which Hedgie the hedgehog finally escapes a sock he had got his head stuck in.]
"Right now I'm looking for the power, because Mom and Dad lost it, Hannah, so we can't have any lights on.... The power is out, so we need to get a new one." [Hunting, flashlight in hand, during his first experience of a power outage in the dark.]
"Please can I ask?" [Usually follows a conversation something like this... Bubba: "Carson, did you ask before you took that off Dad's desk?" Carson, hastily: "I'm gonna ask, Dad. Can I aaassk?"]
And one of our very favorites, that makes us melt rather than laugh: "I need a kiss and a hug!" before he will let either of us leave him... we love this boy.
with Mt McLoughlin, southern Oregon, on a trip this week with Dad