Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Well, okay then!

[Carson is building with his pipes. These things have been in near-daily use for the better part of a year now.]

Mom: “What are you building?”
C: “It’s a drop dropper.”
Mom: “What kind of drops does it drop?”
C: “Nothing, because I didn’t put anything in it to drop.”
Mom: “What might you put in it?”
C: “I don’t know; I have to figure out what kind of drop dropper it is. But now it’s a speckled log hog…"
...soon it turns out that this contraption “shoots out roasted green speckled frogs, sitting on a speckled log, eating some most delicious bugs, yum, yum, and then one jumps into the pool where it’s nice and cool and now I can’t get it to work because it’s falling off, and you have to help me because the green speckled frog music is making me feel like I have to shoot green speckled frogs and this is not letting me! And I have tried everything and it keeps falling off and I can’t shoot green speckled frogs… This is very difficult and it doesn’t have time to let me use it, and it just falls down because I didn’t put much legs on it and it only has one leg and it needs two legs and we need to hunt in the bag for more pieces… I’m gonna need some help with this!”

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A boy's work

[On a snowy New Year's Day:]

2013Jan 062

Hey, MOM!

2013Jan 026

I'm building a fort, and it's going to be GIGANTIC!!

2013Jan 019

It will be very tall, up to the attic. Do you want to see my expilament?

I'm gonna make a weensy teensy door so Tess can get in to her camping wood.

Look, I can climb up, and put my feet up here and my hands up here, and I haven't done that before. It's like a mountain!

2013Jan 013

And you can actually watch me climb down to get back to my work. My work is called picking up wood, and throwing down big wood and little wood, little barks and big barks, for next days.

2013Jan 043

I told Mom she could borrow a little piece of oak to burn.

Tess likes kitty food and she heard a little tiny "kerplop" and she found some kitty food.

2013Jan 031

Malcolm said to Tess, "I'm gonna have one more," and that helps their brain think better.

2013Jan 001

And they said I could have one--three--FOUR more pieces of kitty food.

I have this chain saw for emergencies, for wood that is not cut.

2013Jan 068

And I'm gonna get back to my wood box fort before someone closes the doors.

2013Jan 030