Tuesday, September 24, 2013

She's one!

And returning to the blog, after a long absence, is our dear daughter Laramie Rose--who is a toddler all of a sudden and turning one today!

This girl is a delight. She is happy nearly all the time, smiles a lot and likes to cuddle. She adores her brother and follows him about, mostly unfazed by his rough-and-tumble ways. She loves to eat just about everything she can get her hands on and has seven teeth now to gnaw apples and pork chops and all. Though she's increasingly comfortable with walking over the past month, she'll still drop to a crawl for distance and speed. When her brother's not around she's content to play by herself, often pulling her books off the shelf and looking through the pictures, or experimenting with our collection of kid-friendly instruments (the recorder is her favorite). She is not using any words yet but has quite the repertoire of meows, growls and roars.

How she grew:


laramie one month
one month

Laramie 2 month
two months

2012Dec 453
three months

2013Jan 331
four months

Laramie 5 mo
five months

2013Mar 383
six months

2013Apr 315
seven months

2013May 534ed
eight months

2013Jun 097
nine months

2013Jul 910
ten months

2013Aug 462-001
eleven months

laramie one year
L birthday brownie
We love you to pieces, Laramie, and we're so glad you're in our family!