Tuesday, October 11, 2011


So, really, I plan to get a birthday post (or two) up soon, but meanwhile, just a couple quick things:

Carson received a US puzzle for his birthday (Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa Mac!). Like his dad, he loves maps. And thanks to dad, he already knows six of his state capitals... really! So, today we played around with this puzzle a bit, for the first time. A short while in, this was the scene:

Michi-gun ed

"Bang, bang! I have both guns!"

Let's take a closer look at one of those guns, shall we?

michigan gun

I told him the name of the state, and he noticed it sounded like "gun" and looked like a gun, all on his own, and went off hunting for the other gun. At least he hasn't started using every stick he finds as a firearm yet.

Secondly: Here are some of Carson's latest pals.


Their name is Elizabeth, apparently. Or more accurately, "Ewizabiff". Both of them. What sound do these fearsome creatures make, Carson? What do they say?

"Ongwaduwayshuns." Congratulations? Wow, what thoughtful and courteous monsters. (I still can't figure out where he picked up on this word!)

Elizabeth's favorite activity is to be "bounced" on the couch--Carson creates an earthquake by pounding the cushions. He likes mom to do it with him:


Reece and Katie said...

WAY TOO CUTE! he amazes me with his intellectual abilities... :)

MKM said...

Gosh is he clever. I can't wait to see him next month!!!